Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pictures of MANUUTA Protest Meeting - 20th February 2009


Prof. Rajkamal Shiromani said...

Bravo my distinguished colleagues!Let's keep up this spirit. We are all with you and will stand united.
Warm regards and greetings to all of you.
University (PG) Dept. of English
TM Bhagalpur University
Bhagalpur - 812 007, Bihar


Phone: 0161-2400968, 098159-51299


PCMA/UGC/19/02/196 -19/02/2009


University Grants Commission,
New Delhi

Reference: MHRD Notification on pay scales of University and college teachers.

Subject: Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) in service at Present- UGC draft notification not in concurrence with MHRD notification.

It is humbly submitted before you the agony of the teachers working as Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) in service at Present (i.e. on 31-12-2008 the date of MHRD Notification) as follows:
In the MHRD Notification regarding the scheme of pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in universities and colleges, No . 1-32/2006-U.II/U.I (i) dated 31-12-2008, page 3 Clause 2 (a) xi it is said that Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) in service at present shall continue to be designated as Lecturer (Selection Grade) or Readers, as the case may be, until they are placed in the pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 and re-designated as Associate Professor in the manner described in sub clause ( x ) i.e. for incumbent readers and Lecturer (Selection Grade) who have not completed 3 years in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-18300.
In the above notification no condition is imposed by the MHRD on the Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) who even acquire the grade of 12000-18300 after 01-01-2006 and suggest the same formula for these Readers/ lecturer (Selection Grade) to become Associate Professor as is applicable for the Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) who got the scale of 12000-18300 before 01-01-2006 and who have not completed 3 years in the present scale (Page 2 Clause 2 (a) point x and xi)
But the University Grants commission in negation of the above notification imposed certain conditions on all incumbent Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) and Readers/Lecturer (selection Grade) in service at present which relates to Academic performance indicators (API) and Weight age points (WP) required to develop performance appraisal scoring system (PASS) .
On the Protest of stake-holders UGC later withdraw the conditions on all the incumbent Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) through a clarification on the UGC website. But the point regarding the Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) in service at present has not been clarified. It is the demand of the teachers that Teachers who have been awarded the designation of Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) even after 01-01-2006 and are going to complete three years in service in the pay scale of 12000-18300 in 2008 or 2009 should also be re-designated as Associate professor as and when they complete the required three years of Service and should not be imposed any condition. This is because MHRD Notification Clause 2 (a) (xi) also suggests the same formula as it is for Incumbent Readers/ Lecturer (Selection Grade) who has not completed three years of Service in the pay scale of 12000-18300 on 01-01-2006. The Clause 2 (a) (xi) is reproduced here for quick reference:
" Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) in service at present shall continue to be designated as Lecturer (Selection Grade) or Readers, as the case may be, until they are placed in the pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000 and re-designated as Associate Professor in the manner described in (x) above"

It is therefore requested to you that kindly clarify this point also adopt the same formula for promoting the Reader/Lecturer (Selected Grade) in service at present as it is applicable for the incumbent Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) who have not completed three years of service in the pay scale of 12000-18300 as given in the clause 2 (a) (x) and as suggested in the Clause 2 (a) (xi) in the page 3 of the MHRD Notification.
If this is not clarified then a teachers who has got the Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) say in Feb 2006 will be at disadvantageous position and just for getting the grade two months late he/she has to face lot of hardships and secondly he/she will not have the ample time to cover the conditions put in by the UGC. The conditions put in by the UGC are also not in concurrence of the MHRD notification which is supreme document.
We also request you to get the exemption from conditions for all Readers/Lecturer (Selection Grade) who has been placed in the grade of 12000-18300 till the date of notification of MHRD i.e. 31-12-2008.
I hope you will fight our case and the true spirit of MHRD Notification will not be defeated.

(Prof. Ashwani Bhalla)
Executive Vice President
Punjab Commerce and Management Association