Saturday, November 1, 2008



Press Release , 17 October 2008
At the call of the FEDCUTA teachers of Central Universities would observe two-day strike on Wednesday & Thursday, 22-23 October 2008 to press for early decision on Pay Revision of University teachers in accordance with the FEDCUTA Charter of Demands.

  1. The FEDCUTA’s demands are inter alia, the following:
    All teachers in the Readers’ Grade (12000-420-18300) are to be placed in the PB-4 as in Group-A services of Government of India an equivalent pre-revised scale ending at 18300 with an increment of Rs. 400 and above are placed in PB-4.
  2. Restoring the existing four tier structure i.e., Lecturer, Lecturer in Senior Scale, Reader and Professor instead of creating seven tier structure as recommended by Chadha Committee.
  3. Restoration of Professor promotion in colleges as an avenue for third promotion.
  4. Parity of Librarians / Computer Programmers and other academic staff with teachers must be maintained in terms of CAS and other research facilities and entitlement along with retirement age.
  5. Abolishing the hierarchies amongst Professors and Readers sought to be created by Chadha Committee.

    (Aditya Narayan Misra ) ....... President

(Tabrez Alam Khan).................General Secretary

Constituents of FEDCUTA: Aligarh Muslim University, Assam University, Banaras Hindu University, University of Hyderabad, Delhi University, IGNOU, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Hamdard, JNU, Mizoram University, Nagaland University, NCERT, NEHU, Pondicherry, Visva Bharati, Tezpur University, Manipur University, Rajeev Gandhi University, Allahabad University, Maulana Azad National Urdu University


Unknown said...


I greet the FEDCUTA on the successful completion of the two day strike and wish the proposed 5th nov rally all success so that " the deaf hear" that teachers in this country should get what is their due atleast now. But I feel that at thishour of struggle we need to stand united and may be a call to the AIFUCTO WHOSE charter is no different from that of the FEDCUTA could also be invited to join the rally at least in a symbolic manner tho not in large numbers
with greetings
M Ravichandran 2-11008

CRRAVI said...

C.R.Ravi, Lecturer(SG)in Commerce,
A.M.Jain College,Chennai-114.
My warm greetings to FEDCUTA for its spontaneous reaction to the Chadha Committee Report, where injustice has been heaped on senior teachers. When our demand of III promotion has not reached the deaf ears of the powers that be over several long years, there is no reason why should the PRC should recommend 6 or 7 cadres. What is required is parity with Class I officers and this has been denied to us. To include teachers with more than 30 years service(there are teachers who became SG on 1.1.1986 in service on 1.1.2006,in whose case total service works out to 36 years - i.e., 16 years on 1.1.1986 plus 20 years as on 1.1.2006)in Pay Band 3 as compared with Class I officers who move in to PB in 14 years is a sort of capital punishment. Teacher organisations should decry this move strongly and fight unitedly to realise our just demands. Towards this college and University teacher organisations in the whole country should rise in one voice and prove the powers that be that they are wrong and we should teach them a lesson so that we can teach with grace, honour and peace, besides getting all anomalies of the earlier pay revision rectified.
with regards,