Friday, February 20, 2009

FEDCUTA Press Release

FEDCUTA Press Release
20 February 2009.

FEDCUTA in its meeting held today decided to defer the demonstration which was to be held at UGC on 24 February 2009 in the light of assurance given by the UGC Chairman that the UGC draft Regulations will be recast in consultation with FEDCUTA and also that the pay revision of teachers will take place on the basis of MHRD Notification of 31 December 2008.

FEDCUTA rejected the Draft UGC Notification completely as it superseded the MHRD Notification on pay revision of teachers, particularly of Readers / Lectures in Selection Grade and also there was a serious attack on autonomy of the universities and attempt to deny and delay promotions to fresh entrants to teaching profession.

FEDCUTA rejects the higher AGP of Rs.12000/- to 10% Professors only after 10 years of service and demands that all Professors on completing 10 years as Professor be placed in the AGP of Rs.12000/-.

FEDCUTA will take up the other issues, viz. advance increments for Ph.D. / M.Phil. w.e.f., 1.1.2006 (instead of 1.9.2008), AGP of Rs.6600/- for new entrants, one time option from CPF to GPF, old pension scheme for teachers appointed after 1.1.2004, etc. with MHRD / UGC and will execute all action programmes including dharna, strike, march to MHRD etc. to achieve its demands.

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