Teaching fraternity of MANUU met in an informal meeting on 22.12.2008 and discussed the pay anomalies in the revised UGC pay scales of 2006. the fraternity feels that injustice has been done with all the grades of teaching fraternity.
The meeting decided to highlight/represent the following points:
Basic pay, Academic grade pay and promotion time period are not as attractive as it was claimed by the Hon’ble Minister in the Parliament. There is a huge disparity between the basic pay of the Assistant Professor at entry level and an Associate Professor. Hence the basic pay of the Asst Professor be enhanced commensurately to lessen this disparity; AGP of the Asst Professor be increased to Rs.6600 as recommended by Chadha Commission; promotion period from Asst Professor to Assoc Professor be restored to the previous eight years.
The Readers in the pre-revised scales should automatically be designated as Associate Professors in PB 4 as they became Readers only after facing the Selection Committee/Interview Board.
There is no clarity or mention of the Professor’s scale. This should be made clear.
The proposals passed by the Union Cabinet should be made public at the earliest and the same implemented only after the anomalies pointed out by various teachers’ associations are set right.
Please leave your comments on this draft here (pl use the 'Comments' feature below) or send in your thoughts via email to manuuta@gmail.com Meanwhile, we are still awaiting the release of the official report on the proposals passed by the Union Cabinet.
1 comment:
MANUUTA meeting on UGC Pay Revision -
I have read the contents of the blog and felt like making a few suggestions regarding it.
I. When we write "Teaching fraternity of MANUU met in an informal meeting", we wouldn't have enough strength in our voice to put forth our views across the table. Reason, there is a phrase "informal meeting". Any government agency like the UGC, or a registered body like FEDCUTA, won't subscribe to our opinions unless they are butressed by a formal gathering. In other words, any decision taken here on the campus by the teachers MUST be put foward through MANUUTA and it will act as the mouthpiece of the collective. Anonymous individuals or informal meetings will not have any impact on policy-making bodies. Hence, I opine that the phrase "informal" be removed from the sentence.
II. Primarily the anomalies lie in:
a) the pay scale of the Asst. Professors(APs), and
b) the period it takes for APs to get promoted to the next position.
These two points are excruciatingly discouraging for us as compared to the Pay and the period for promotions promised for the other teaching positions up on the ladder.
A bone of contention is why on earth should we accept the VI CPC? The hike in the pay for the APs is just nothing but peanuts presented to us in a plate gloriously decked(seems to be) with a grade pay, which I believe is a product of senseless brainstorming and is as vague as Chomsky's "Couless green ideas sleep furiously".
If we accept VI CPC in the present state, the day wouldn't be too far from our sight when we would be reduced to penury, taking into cognizance the ever-rising expenditure on food, rent, education of our children, etc. And it is for sure this kind of a phenomenon would lead us to "burn-out".
Ms. Purandeshwari was very euphoric when she made a speech on the the Teachers' Pay but her statements were paradoxical and they are devoid of any logic or rationality. She should be warned of the consequences that would be arising out of the illogicality and irrationality.How do we do that? Every decision that we took on 22 Dec 2008 should be coupled with a strong reason, which could inform them of the lethal consequences of the ministry's folly at a juncture when Manmohan Singh talks about knowledge society.
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