Tuesday, August 13, 2013


                     Election Commission for MANUUTA (Regd. No. 1010) Election 2013-14
MANUU, Hyderabad

        Election Commission:   
· Prof. Abdul Quayum
Chief Election commissioner
· Dr. Abdul Wahid
· Dr. Mohd. Khalid. M.Zafar
· Dr. D. Sheshu Babu
       Co-opted Member
· Dr. S. Maqbool Ahmed
       Co-opted Member

    Copy to  the :
1.      V.C Peshi
2.       Registrar Peshi
3.       General Secretary, MANUUTA to upload the  same
4.         All the Depts/    Centres/Directorates

No. MEC/1/2013                                                                             Dated: 13.08.2013

     MANUUTA Elections 2013-14 will be conducted on 03.09.2013 for the following posts as per the bye-laws of the Association.
I   Posts:
1.      President            – One                  2. Vice President  -  One
       3. General Secretary – One                   4. Treasures            - One
       5. Joint Secretary            - One                   6. Joint Secretary   - One
            (Organising)                                          (Publicity)  
II .Election Schedule:
1.     Date of Notification:  (Tuesday), 13.08.2013.
2.     Date of Issue of forms:  (Wednesday), 14.08.2013.
3.     Last date of Submission:   (Friday), 21.08.2013.
4.     Scrutiny & List of Candidates: (Monday), 22.08.2013.
5.     Withdrawal by 2.00pm and Final List:  (Tuesday), 23.08.2013 ( 5.00 Pm).
6.     Face to Face with the electorates(President & General Secretary): 30.08.2013
                   (4.00pm ITI, Building 1st Floor Room No. 206).
7.     Polling:  (Tuesday) 03.09.2013 (11.00am to 4.00pm, Computer Lab II LHC).
8.     Counting and Results:  03.09.2013 ( 5.00pm to 8.00pm).
III. Price of form: Rs.500.00 (Non refundable).
IV. Deposit: Rs.2000.00 (Refundable- subject to the condition of getting10% Votes polled.
V. Contesting candidates should clear Annual Fees (Out Due).
VI. The proposing and seconding members should also have no fee dues.
VII. The Commission desires that the Voter should also have clear all fee dues.
VIII. Nomination Forms: Nomination forms can be had from Dr. S. Maqbool Ahmed (DDE). Filled in forms to be submitted to Chief Election Commissioner, 1st Floor ITI, Building. The forms can also be downloaded from the MANUUTA blog or facebook MANUU.
IX. The out station candidates should enroll their email IDs or cell no. to Vote on or before 1.00 pm on 02.09.2013. They can register their cell nos. for SMS or Email to vote on  mobile no. 8019276403 and Email ID manuu.elect@gmail.com.
X. Electronic voting is allowed during the election hours on polling day from the registered cell no. or  Email ID.
     In case of form downloaded, candidates have to pay Rs.2500/-towards the nomination fee and the cost of the form through DD drawn in favour of ‘MANUUTA’ payable at Hyderabad. 
                                                                               Chief Election Commissioner

                     Election Commission for MANUUTA (Regd.No. 1010) Election 2013-14
MANUU, Hyderabad
                 NOMINATION PAPER
                    PART – 1
1.   Name of the Position Contesting : _________________________________________________________
2.   Full Name of the Contestant: …………………………………………………………………………….. 
     (a)  ID No………………………………. …….. Department: ……………………………………............
     (b) Age with Date of Birth: ………………………………………………………………………………..
     (c ) Particulars of Fees paid : ……………………( Enclose No Due Certificate from treasurer MANUUTA)
     (d )Address with Cell No.…………………………………………………………………………………..
3.   Proposed By:   ………………………………..    Department: ………………………………………. …..
      (a) ID No: …………………………….. …….     Signature:………………………………………............
      (b) Particulars of Fees paid: ……………………..(Enclose No Due Certificate from treasurer MANUUTA)
4.   Seconded By: …………………………………  Department:………………………………………………
       (a)  ID No: …………………………………      Signature: ………………………………………………
       (b) Particulars of Fees paid: ……………………(Enclose No Due Certificate from treasurer MANUUTA)


I, ………………………………………….. agree to my nomination to contest the position of  ________________________ and hereby declare.
a)   That I am an employee of MANUU and member of MANUUTA.
b)   That the code of conduct prescribed by the Election Committee has been read by me/read over to me and I will abide by it.
c)   That I have no fees due to MANUUTA.
d)   That to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am qualified to fill the position.                                            
                                                                                                                          (                                           )
                                                                                                                                      Signature of the Candidate

·      Please enclose the vision and manifesto along with the nomination paper.