To Date: 15.05.2009
The Chairman
University Grants Commission
New Delhi
Sub:-Request for restoring 8 years period for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor through CAS and 5 years for direct recruitment-Reg
This is to bring to your kind notice that the teaching community under the Assistant Professor category is adversely affected by the 6th Pay Commission Recommendations.
The lecturers who are designated as Assistant Professor were eligible to move to next category as Reader after 8 years through CAS and 5 years through direct recruitment earlier. According to the 6th Pay Commission Recommedations the Asssistant Professor is eligible to become Associate Professor only after 12 years through CAS and after 8 years through direct recruitment. This provision is most unjust and discriminatory.
Hence we request you to restore the earlier eligibility criteria and the Assistant Professors who have completed 8 years should be made eligible to be appointed as Associate Professors through CAS and the eligibility for direct recruitment to Associate Professor should be 5 years as Assistant Professor.
We hope you will take a positive action in this regard and restore the sense of equity and dignity among the teaching fraternity.
You are also requested to issue the final guidelines for the implementation of 6th Pay Commission with modification of anamolies.
Thanking You,
Yours sincerely
Dr. Abdul Quayum